HLM 's past and future.... I'm not sure how many longs we have left in this company that do remember all of those nice news release stating very good gold anomalities in the West Cedar tree claims.There was even a small open pit to see how much gold there was.Claim of up to 9 grams per ton.I'm sure we all remember those good old days press release.Saying like eventually we will have an open pit and a mill for sure.....that started back around 2001/2002 and kept updating us with all kinds of positive news release about how good those claims were.And then it just happen that over night those claims were not at all that great but actually not worth much anymore, then discarded for almost nothing. After more than 10 yrs of telling us this is awsome and the potential is enormous , they decide that no it's not gold our future it's the "Rare Metal" that will propelle this company in the stratosphere and make all of us shareholders tons of money. Now where did I hear that before....the first news release about the "Rare Metal" looks very much the same as some of the first one about the gold discoveries on the West Cedar claims. Rare Metal claims holds great potential and more work to be done to find and......the same as before but different metal. To all the chearleaders of HLM Yes I'm trying to get out of this company but no am not prepare to liquidate at 3 cents a share. Therefore will still come and visit this bullboard every once in a while.