3rd Quarter hurdle is over ...now for some fun...! Nothing really bad to report overall.......actually a little up side if anything......
Customer base down slightly , but when the "global" public and businesses get the BB10 in their hands ......the smart phone sized computing device will IMO win a load of new respect and fly of the shelves......
The New OS is the "new next" for the next 3-5 years ......others will be playing catch up or have to pay "big" to buy RIM out.........!!!
The emerging market countries will do far more for RIM than the USA will ever do and as far as I'm concerned, I really don't care about the US situation ....other than when they MM's see the RIM train roll .....they will be buying and buying .....
QNX.......that's the Icing on the Cake.......
Can't wait to have the negative Nay Sayers eat crow.......
Attention .....Attention ......."FINAL BOARDING CALL".........
All aboard .......The RIM BB10 train is about to leave the station...........!!!!!
Good luck to all longs ..........