NML Saving the Naskapi
This is from NML News letter # 3. The concern of Mr Journeaux, and in effect ,the Tata Corporation for the well being of the First Nations, and, of course, the Naskapi, is remarkable. Wondering if Tata is building on its progress it is making in India. Maybe Tata can issue a Newsletter in India about how sensitive it is to the wellbeing of Indigenous People, when they are located in Canada.
Message from President and CEO Dean Journeaux
The survival of the First Nations of the
Schefferville area depends on a
renaissance of the mining industry: the
young members of their populations are
increasingly numerous; their expectations
for careers and standards of living
correspond to their enhanced educational
achievements; if they cannot find
satisfying employment in the Schefferville
area, they will have no choice but to leave
it, and the ancient cultures and languages
of which they are the custodians will, in a
couple of generations, disappear forever;
mining is the only industry capable of
creating the large number of long-term
jobs that they require.