A few laws of nature are worth pointing out Just as RIM was unassailable four years ago, it was kicked in the nuts by Apple. A year ago Apple looked invincible. The simple fact is that Apple is getting kicked in the nuts this year by cheaper tablets. Lets face it a tablet is not deskotp or powerful laptop it really is a fad product. And after fads fade early adopter marketing theory implies diminishing profits as most people buy what does the basic functions as the hype of higher priced models fades. Apple is losing vast market share in the tablet market in the last year. And Android based Galaxy 3 phones are the rage in Europe.
I had long discussions with my geek freinds all day and this is what I will share. The buy in from developers has been huge and when BB10 launches it wiill have over 110 000 apps almost double where it was three months ago. And although some service revenue may decrease as some people cut down on encryption protection, there are too many important people like VPO who will pay more for that service , especially if the phone is faster and more reliable. Its a fact that the BB10 can launch any program in about 3 seconds less than Saasung or Apple. BB10 allows 8 apps open at same time with lightning speed. Think of who this appeals to, stock market and banking professionals. now look at how the US bank stocks are all at 52 week highs. Think any fund manager or trader is going out for lunch with an i phone? NOT. Think you will pay more to ensure your high speed emails to clients is worth a few bucks? Think how its possible you might require multiple phones if your client base warrants it for mobile applications?Also it should also be noted that Dan Dodge the co-creator of QNX , a Waterloo graduate was made Director of QNX for RIM this year. And for those that are deriding Thorsten because of his accent etc, look at his curriculum vitae compared to Tim ( the short order ) Cook. Thorsten was lured by RIM from Seimens where he was the CTO Cheif Technology Officer. Germans make the best stuff in the wolrd and Siemens quality is unmatched by any body.
The QNX system was purchased by RIM in 2010 after trying to design their own system for years. The architect of QNX Dan Dodge has graduate degrees in mathematics from University of Waterloo. I will point out a few other points. The day RIM bought QNX it became a closed source code. That means that the superior real time effectiveness of QNX and all future imrovements will now be paid for by the elite manufacturing, health care, and defense contractors that require real time critical applications. Apple is 5 years behind and so is Samsung. 5 years ago the Motorola Razr ruled the mobile world. Apple bet the farm on apps for stupid kids and RIM stuck with developing a superior real time operating system that will serve mission critical cash rich corporations, in short RIM wasnt betting the farm on their devices used to watch Angry Birds or Gangnam style videos on Youtube. The hedge funds are slowing the ascent of RIM so they can get out with their profits on Apple. There will be a time in the not too distant future when the orchestrated short of RIM on Friday will turn into a short squeeze and rout of apple. I do not know when that will happen. Apple is not known as culture of true innovation but a culture of media hype . Motorola and RIM have way more inventiveness in their culture. The really " out there " applications of QNX will happen when the world famous Perimiter Institute in Waterloo ( funded entirely by Mike Laziridis ) develops the next space , geo physical and other applications based on QNX. Apple , Samsung, and the leading manufacturing companies in the world will all be paying RIM for the world class QNX and nanotechnology innovations that RIM holds propietary. That is why the analysts are bashing RIM. QNX will not only restore RIM to number 1 but it will kill Apple for good because they are a consumer electronics company where as Samsung is known more for its heavy industry prowess and electronics is a small part of the big giant. If Motorola could fade, Palm, then Apple surely will. The geeks are already touting it . The useless apps that Apple holds sway over will crumble because in the end its real world real time commerce that drives profiits and not watching Gangnam style videos on Youtube.