RE: message to self hereandthere.. I am confident MELLO over there at HRT will hit in Namibia.. he is a geologist and researcher and knows what he is talking about. He basically made pertobras a supermajor with the presalt finds @ tupi. I think HRT will hit oil.... all hell breaks loose in Namibia basins.. 5+ per share when HRT hits this year. They are dropping 4 wells really soon.. I brought my HRT stake up to 35k shares, and ECO should be about 150k shares once I'm done. I'm shocked ECO is down here under .30.. its a great chance to add.. I do not think it will be here much longer. I am in pretty heavy for my tastes in small exporation stocks.. but considering the HUGE upside here, I could be making a serious killing. I'm sure lots of you guys are in the same boat. Got to be in it, to win it.