It is so wonderful with all the knowledge that is gathered by several of the writers on this BB. Really good is it when this accumulated knowledge can be heard on the AGM directly to the officers of the Board, it is only then our knowledge can lead to change and success. My call to you who have the opportunity to visit AGM;
- Do it!
My especial thanks to "godtoreadthis" that you do it.
For my own part I had really appreciated to seeing you all at the AGM.
In the future, there may be economic opportunities even for one like me.
But today covers profits only parking meter outside the bank to borrow the rest.;(
But on the other hand, I only need half a cent to buy a first class ticket, all inclusive at Trump International Hotel & Tower Toronto in two weeks.
However, there is a slight risk that I did not leave the hotel and forget why I traveled away.;)
Tomorrow is a new week, maybe I should call the travel agent.
Best Regards