STP Rail Capacity From the operations update we know that they shipped 4500 barrels in 7 rail cars which is equal to 600 barrels per car.
The rail trip from alberta to natchez took 15 days. This implies a round trip of roughly 30 days.
From previous releases we know that they control a fleet of 500 rail cars.
Based on the above the rail capacity is ±500 rail car loads per month.
500 rail cars x 600 barrels = 300,000 barrels per month /31 days = 9,677 barrels per day.
From the operations update the Dilbit being shipped is 80/20 mix. (20% diluent).
Adjusted capacity taking into account Dilbit = 9677 x .8 = 7,742 barrel per day.
STP will need to add more rail cars in 6-8 months.