Eco Oro news release... Link:
From news release:
The CDMB has indicated that the coordinates of the Park will be submitted for approval at the next meeting of the CDMB's board of directors. The CDMB has not reported when that meeting will be held nor has it indicated the location of the Park boundaries.
"We trust that the boundaries will be defined while being sensitive to the ongoing mining activity and projects in the region, which currently contribute to the social and economic stability of the local communities and which are expected to spearhead economic growth in the region while contributing to the Colombian Government's declared support for mining-driven national economic growth," stated Joao Carrelo, the Company's President & CEO. "Once those boundaries are known, we will be able to assess the impact of the Park on the Company's assets and business. Until those boundaries are disclosed, any view on the impacts on mining in the region are speculative." Further details will be made available as soon as they are known.