the consolation prize? From Councilor No Way No How reporting in the Saprae Creek guys newsletter: "Back in October, I was at the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (“AUMA”) conference in Edmonton. At AUMA I had the chance to question the Minister of Energy on his progress with the Urban Development Sub-Region (“UDSR”). I asked him how he was making out with it and when he hoped to have it done. His reply was that it was going slower than he thought it would, slower than he would have liked, but he promised that it would be done in 6 to 12 months, so that is 4 to 10 months from now. Of course getting the UDSR done will mean that the Government of Alberta (“GoA”) will have bought back the oil leases that are under virtually all of our urban land, and we can move forward as a municipality knowing we have the land we need to grow our urban core, and also knowing there will not be oil extraction from underneath our homes and other urban infrastructure, including our brand new airport."
Let's start with the $50 or $60 million AOS has spent to date, then start to calculate the foregone profits.