Lazy Sunday Simple math says any buyout "partner" would have approximately $1,900,000,000 potential profit too take his purchase money from. If he hopes to make $1,000,000,000 that leaves $900,000,000 as the purchase amount. Divide that by 225,000,000 shares and you get $4.00/share. Give or take a buck and the range we might expect on a lock stock and barrel deal would be $3-5/share
I didn't include any inferred and I believe a buyer would not pay any SIGNIFICANT amount for it either. I sure wish we had the additional exploration to move the inferred to resource but we don't. In fact, that might be Shore's next move. Raise money and hit the drills again. LOL!! Could prove up more value/carrots while buying more time for fat checks. Shareprice would adjust based on results. Glory days again LOL.
Also noticed:.
*George was touting a 25 year mine life in London. I thought the the official Tech Report stated a 20 year mine life?
*The 2 years to strip overburden could morph into longer?
Why can't they ever get their timelines even close?
What does your napkin say?