RE: RE: Questions surfacing I respect what you are saying but here is the other side:
#1: The consumption of fossil fuels, and chiefly coal, is contributing to the acidification of the worlds oceans and particularly Baynes Sound and other North East Pacific coastal areas. This threatens far more than shellfish of course as many many species depend on shellfish, and so on down the line. In the worst case, the oceans could become so acidic that the basic phytoplankton would not survive and fish and everything else would perish. Why would we continue what is causing and could cause so much harm?
#2: it is all well and good to say that Raven will be different, but the burden of history is not in their favour. Acid Mine Drainage is an ongoing problem for the Baynes Sound area and we know that wont change no matter what Raven does. Nothing we have seen yet from Raven guarantees they won't make it worse. We will know more when the EA finally drops, but again, the risk is there so it is understandable people wouldn't want to make a bad situation worse.
As for having kids move away for work. There are plenty of ways to make jobs, Including expanding Shellfish. We are not losing jobs if we do not approve Raven, because those jobs dont exist, we are simply choosing different ones and not putting in jeopardy ones that do already exist.