RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: UUU dead horse You could have written the same message amongst the same degree of media and bulletin board hype at least 5 times over the past 2 years. Maybe I'll miss out on this run, but with uranium spot prices at all time lows, Dennison is also at is furthest point in history from generating an internal profit. and becoming a real company.
They are trying to pretty themselves up desperately right now because getting bought out is the only option they have left on the table. Problem is, all the majors know this, they will wait until they can swarm around the carcas when nobody is looking to jump on them. DML is currently trading what they know is an inflated stock value for shares of FIS because they don't have any real capital or borrowing potential to finance the deal.
Have fun watching this stock slowly get more and more affordable over the next few months. This time I think I'll re-enter around 1.30-1.35 depending on the downward momentum