GREY:PSLRF - Post by User
Comment by
Sir_Holleron Jan 18, 2013 1:03pm
Post# 20857466
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: $.63 financing:
RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: $.63 financing:
It was a financing without warrants. It may have been 'low' vs $.70 but with no warrants it wasn't that bad. The financing is still relatively small in term of total market cap, and should secure their growth plan for 2013, and the growth should be interesting given the history of growth. They have been able to grow fairly predictably over time. They also have salt water disposal facilities in place now, and a strategic footprint for growth. They are expected to announce their budgeted growth by the end of January. The value of this production is increasing with 1000 barrels, per day, to be shipped by rail by the end of the quarter accessing global prices. There is also expected to be a strong reserves update ahead.