All about #s "It's all in the amount of stores..." Indeed.
How many household name brands got their start the same way Miraculins is doing with PreVu? Each addition = $ Point of Care and prevention is going to be crucial (baby boomers)
A credible rumour has a local hospital near me saw almost 5000 patients in just their ER since Christmas! The waiting list here for a doc appointment is months. Pharmacies contributing to preventative measures/convenience/avoid the waiting list... all factor into increasing revenues. We are in at the ground floor at the present share price.... It's nice to be here.
Canada has 23 major pharmacy chains with well over 6000 stores. The U.S. boasts 25 majors with over 28,000 locations. This doesn't include mom and pops corner pharmacy for us or our neighbours to the south.
If you trust them here's the source but get your own calculator this was too much work for a Sunday.
Apparently Germany is the biggest pharmacy market with $46 billion (u.s.) annual revenues.
Check this interesting comment concerning European pharmacy, the link is from the NY Times a good read.
"To be sure, pharmacists supply an important source of health advice across much of Europe. In Italy, for example, the local pharmacy checks blood pressure. Some medicines - such as emergency contraception pills - require prescriptions in the United States but can be dispensed without one in Europe because the pharmacist can advise and counsel patients before a sale."
What I'm hopefuly coming across with here is that this is where we may be headed.... know anyone that has the same product as PreVu? Here's to a good week ahead. GLTA