VRIC 2013 Good Morning,
I flew into Vancouver for the weekend to attend VRIC 2013 and escape the cold for a few days. Its been on my to do list for a few years to either attend the Cambridge House Conference or the AGM in Montreal.
I took sometime to visit our booth and talk with Jean-Sébastien Lavallée and Jean-François Meilleur. Both were more then willing to take the time to answer my questions about the Rose Project. Some things we discussed were.
Moving Power lines. JSL feels this is not a large challenge and can be done with an agreement with the Quebec Power Company. He said its a lot better situation to be in then not having electricity close to the site.
Managing Lakes on the Rose Property. JSL says this will be address in the Environmental Report and feels this is not a show stopper and can be managed.
I asked JSL if we should be a Lithium Tantalum company or a Tantalum Lithium company. JSL feels that Lithium is our primary product and the Tantalum is a bonus. He said in the future after production we can explore the Beryllium extraction from the tailings.
I was impressed with the professionalism of our leadership team and their commitment to bring our project to completion. I reminded JSL on the importance of social medial and specifically taking some time out of his busy schedule to look at this message board.
Have a good one.