GREY:GYPHQ - Post by User
Post by
red911on Jan 23, 2013 3:41pm
Post# 20879749
Vancouver report...
Vancouver report... Just noticed this over on the FAU.v board... Seems maybe there by accident?
1/23/2013 1:22:14 PM | | 24 reads | Post #32064248
I swung by the Gryphon booth on Sunday, just now getting back home. Hard to believe but they are basically in the same spot they were a year ago - hanging by a shoestring, running on fumes with a bottleneck in the production cycle. 12 months ago it was the undersized pumps. Now the boiler. I'd say the boiler is one of those unavoidable things that just happens in mining (unlike not putting in the right pumps). Unfortunate when it happens at the worst possible time. The two big variables here will be the first pour - do they get a good one given that the gold has been circulating through the system longer than usual. And then how does Waterton want to play this thing. They were a popular topic all over the convention floor, with a few of the companies they've lent to facing fin'l difficulties. I can see Waterton being accomodative, or taking a hard stance - and noboday knows what they're going to do but them....and maybe they don't know quite yet. Crossing fingers for a good pour.