RE: Yesterday's volume Stockhouse is probably one of the biggest games in town for Canadian mining stocks and related bullboards, etc. I had no idea at one time ( theoldmariner ), that these bullboards were not watched and/or monitored! So, guys, be careful what you say! I remember one time I was in a stock , Augen Gold, I think (amazing how you forget your old girlfriend's names! ) --- and one poster was blasting away at the CEO with all kinds of name-calling and accusations. Well, the CEO sued to find out the identity of this poster, and won. Poster dissappeared, and I don't recall how the whold thing ended up.
(Digress ) --- also, I'm sure the socialists are monitoring -- so watch it, makinghay, as you go through those canyons 'cause there's a socialist behind (read; UNDER ) every rock ! :)
As Always, Best of Luck.