Only the ignorant see a Sino Forest I can say with 1000% certainty this is not Sino-forest and have no problem debating Kherson and her/his ideology.
I know sino-forest better than you Kherson. I know Sino-forest not because I am a huge Richard Chandler fan it is because I own more timber than tanks.
The actual business structure of TRE.TO was illegal…. This is not
The vie structure makes it impossible to verify and illegal…. They bank downtown Calgary
Head office is in Calgary holding office of Sino was in the Virgin Islands.
The constant buying and selling incest of sino-forest was beyond. PSN.TO sold their energy to Peyto….tried not to which was rather incestuous.
The actual structure was beyond the comprehension of any emerging company. This structure is beyond boring
Ownership, parties acting of behalf, constantly raising money. Think Kostelecky’s former employer Nabors Industries is where I would start in A/R
No dividend…. This had too big of a dividend
Info not in mother tongue…..All info in English
Business not in Canada….All business in North America
Auditors can't audit like they can in North America
Auditors are dependent on translation
China is like all emerging companies plagued with corruption..... a few sophisticated Canadians put it together…..just like those few sophisticated who are represented in the class action lawsuit and the few sophisticated who over valued this, just like those few sophisticated who sold you this
Judging who works for Chandler now....he still sees something he wants. Judging who run Poseidon Concepts North American Division now ....I still see something I want.
Things that are similar Poor corporate governance ,Greedy banker oversight, Leaving the little guys out of the lawsuits, Both trade on TSX which has no National regulator.,Both pumped by Bay street, Both shorted by Bay street, Both killed main street, both had Special commitees that do nothing but spend money.