RE: SVM responds Jan.24 2013 ... It looks like a case of "He said, she said, who said, what said...". We retail investors, or outsiders as I prefer to call us, will never know the true story. The fact is, there's a lot of silver in the ground, so let's keep digging!
Meanwhile, regarding the recent chart pattern and stock performance, SilverCorp is no different than most other silver miners (and gold miners too). The trend has been down since the end of October whether we like it or not, even though Silver & Gold have been fairly stable during this time.
I've read enough commentaries and opinions to realize that actually nobody really knows why this is so. Maybe it's simply easier for traders to make money in other sectors. Gold and Silver mining remains unpopular and as long as central governments and bankers are able to acrobatically stave off the inevitable systemic collapse (which will happen eventually) and contain the price of silver & gold we will all have to be very patient indeed.
I keep reading that the XXXX-crisis (where XXX equals Euro, or US, or Japan, or Greece, or whatever you like) is insoluble, then one-week later it's been solved, then it's back again. Then gold is going up, then it's doomed and then it's not.
The fact is that governments and bankers are slowly losing their grip and their only remaining "solution?" is to inflate away the enormous debts by money-printing, while keeping interest rates at zero which simultaneously trashes all our assets and savings... except for one!!! Gold and Silver!
When every other asset has been crushed then the only salvation will be an investment in precious metals. I actually hope this doesn't happen in my lifetime, but just in case, I'm putting my trust in the PM mining sector, sooner rather than later. Throughout history, the only real money was and is Silver & Gold.