good news, 100% wrong Nadler of kitco My dear friend J. Nadler of Kitco has been 100% wrong 100% of the time,second last time was about a year ago when he changed his outlook and said gold was about to increase a lot ... it did not, it went and stayed down, prior to that he said gold was heading down big time ( said this for years ) for years gold headed up .. way up. NOW HE SAYS GOLD IS GOING TO GO WAY DOWN !!! GREAT .. TIS time to load up the trucks with gold for any one with an 100% record of being 100% wrong ... well ... one must pay attention to history especially if it is as long as Nadlers.
I really dislike G management but I do like the company ... vote the bad out and share price will go to $90.00 plus and I will invest in G once again.
Always do a 180 degree when you hear Nadler, not sure who he really works for or through but Kitco is not likely it. Beware !