Congressmen Lambayeque support development promote
Congressmen Lambayeque support development promoted by the Government in Kañaris
Lima, Jan. 29 (ANDINA). The five congressmen representing Lambayeque region met with Energy Minister Jorge Merino, and expressed their full support for the Bureau for Development Intersectoral Kañaris and investments in that region.
Yehude Simon (Humanist Party), Alejandro Aguinaga (Force 2011), Javier Velásquez (APRA), Virgilio Acuña (National Solidarity) and Martin Rivas (Nationalist Party) agreed that it is essential to promote dialogue to reach agreements and defend investments are necessary for the development.
"We want to break the lack of communication, quoting the community, for the exits and then cite the company and follow the right path," said Simon Munaro and insisted that there must be dialogue with the community Kañaris.
He revealed that he had a conversation with the mayor of Incahuasi and he and other officials expressed their willingness to dialogue with representatives of the Energy and Mines and the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.
"All (the Congress) say: we will respect the environment, there must be dialogue with the community, must make them see the advantages of this project. Lambayeque need the canon, Incahuasi need the canon, canon Kañaris need, but you have to make things right, the company has to communicate better, "said Simon.
The former head of the PCM reminded that this is a project that is in the exploration stage and not yet operational because it has become the environmental impact study.
In turn, Congressman Virgil Acuña said he was confident that a solution is reached in Kañaris the situation, saying that the meeting with Minister Murphy opens the possibility of achieving the dialogue for the development of this district and Lambayeque region.
He said that for too long the State has failed to "sectors that oppose the development and progress" complete influencing communities, so needed correcting mechanisms approach to citizenship.
"The goal is to set up a dialogue with the community, district mayors and regional president, and so all together bring up the subject of mining, agriculture, infrastructure Lambayeque," he explained.
Meanwhile, Alejandro Aguinaga lawmaker commended the initiative of the Minister of Energy and Mines and said that the five congressmen representing Lambayeque want this important investment and others get ahead.
"I think this is required to recover the principle of authority and initiate an open dialogue to counter all these groupings, called measures to protect the environment, intended to paralyze this great investment," said the senator Fujimori.
I think it is better that, at first, Kañaris leaders come to Lima because "we have seen anti-mining groups associated with past and some violentista, integrating these committees struggle to stoke the community in a situation that is repetitive" .
The Fujimori legislator urged a halt to the offensive "to carry all this investment is important for the country."
In turn, Congressman Javier Velásquez (APRA) welcomed the minister's meeting with legislators Merino Tafur of Lambayeque in the sense that "it is taking a clear position of support for investment, particularly in the north of the country" .
He said his party supports investments in the Lambayeque region responsibly and with openness to dialogue with the population through mechanisms possible, without going into the game violentista.
Finally, he called on the population to remain calm Kañaris and promote dialogue. "We participated in this meeting to take a stand together to support investment," he said.