I find it highly inappropriate that my post was deleted without just cause....i googled "gran colombia gold" as i do everyday and came across the infinto press release at which time i simply posted that infinto has a press release (no links or copy and paste) and that says they did an aggreement to sell their eiqpment to this company...How in the world is that an inappropriate post? i simply think they were suppose to release the PR at the same time but one of the companies got their date wrong.....to go and delete posts is Stockhouse's right but my post was highly relevant on this board...and dreaddog did as much copy and past the link from infinito website where the press release appeared....i am a huge advocate of freedom of press and print.....this is all my own opinion and i urge you all to do your own due diligence as i have been wrong on many occasions and i could easily be wrong this time