Don't sweat the little stuff Long time share holders like myself; although it is frustrating to watch, we can't control what is happening so there is no point getting an ulcer over this stock. You haven't lost your money until you actually sell so hold your shares and sit back and watch the lobsters, bottom feeding crustations ( day traders) fight over their .05 cents. You can at least take pleasure in knowing as the stock falls the day traders are losing. We all know 1of 3 things will happen within the next 29 days. 1- The Merrit plan goes into effect, our stocks are severly diluted but our money is safe for 2-3 yrs and who knows what can happen in that period of time(no bankruptcy), 2-Cline sells the company and we might get .50 cents a share(not my best case scenario) 3-Cline sells a bunch of coal and the stock rises. Bottom line is all we can do is sit back and wait. Pick up a box of beer and watch the show.