Looking for a rundown! Hey fella's Im new to this forumn, ive been following WPX and KRN for sometime (6months) and just in the midst of doing comparasions. I found MagIndustries mentioned in an Ercosplan document.
Other than the Chinese $115 i see there was a 20% buy in with TSC Capital that fell through a month before it closed. Was there any reasons given to it? Or was it because Evergreen flexed there interest into the project and bough in just 2 months after.
Whats the run down of bad karma that has happened to this company. I havent read there last feasibility yet maybe in the short future.
I see April 4 (News release)$28 Million to drill 5400m of pipe suppose to be 7 months, that should have been november 2012 to finish drilling. Has that been released yet? With a depth of say 1000 meters. Thats 54 drill cores. Im guessing there trying to get that 1.7B Inferred into Indicated tonnes.
There running drilling, upgraded the electricity, i see posts of (updated feasibility) anything else.
Whats the deal with this port?
Fill me in guys, you will be attracting a new investor