RE: RE: RE: HEY RET..... As I have already said the company has no assets, only short-term investments and stocks, no downtime, inventory finance that its 50%. In addition, a rate of 6.5% is excellent with what they have as assets because when you finance with venture capital rates are usually between 10 and 14%. The loan is like a line of credit with slices and each slice they issue a ticket refund and it seems that they use less, is better. So what you wanted as they give guaranteed. Will see Cedar The last financial statement, they have only 3.2 million active and 1.5 million is goodwill and does not finance it. This is also good is that some leaders do not pay this income, as long as the company does not relieve trésories flow positive. Not much will make directing it.
Let's see the next future financial statements before saying that the company will directly toward bankruptcy. Because they have a unique product in their hands. As in the majority of cases, when a very small company arrives in the course of the great, the path is still strewn with stumbling and less rosy than they had planned.
Maybe they will go bankrupt but maybe not too.