RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Finally.... too add...
if the go with debt.. $100mill
and build new process plant which can do 200,000/oz per year... then,
at AU price @ 1600/oz, and cost at $600/oz, the will be earning 200,000 x $1000 = $200,000,000
ie, loan will be paid off in full in 1 year.
so any invertor in this right mind will give them $100mill cause the return it huge..
keep in mind that AU prices will not stay at $1600/oz...
they are more likely to end up near the $2000/oz by year end
and up and up...!!!
also ALH resource body keeps on growing.. so a likely take over target
I think MGMT is setting this up for SALE...
;prove up resources to 4mill oz... and they will sell it for $10/share
i will take that any day...
... and if anyone asks, you heard it first from me ;)))