RE: Jeff's got nothing? degus, I have never seen any management of any company I have ever owned that thought about their shareholders first. People who start businesses do it for their own enrichment. Shareholders are an unpleasant necessity that are endured only because they provide the funds required to grow the business.
Simple fact, not good, not bad, just simple fact.
Jeff will be looking out for his own best interests, which includes that bonus for getting over $3/share.
Again, nothing wrong with that, just reality.
As shareholders, we must deal in reality, and not fantasize about things which we have no control over.
What we do have control over at the moment is voting on the BEP bid.
The unfortunate part of that minute amount of control, is that we don't have control over what comes next, as we have no idea of the outcome.
So probably best just to sit back and watch the show. If you don't like what is playing, sell and move on.
I think I'll stock around for the final act, as I know what we should be getting for our shares, and it ain't no stinkin $2.50.
be well.