Cap. costs $297.1 million to $504.7 million dollar More regurgited poster hype. Do you recognize a pump and dump folks. Grab your ankles. Too bad about the capex
Capital Cost Estimates (As at Q1 2013) Ouch and in Africa no less (Mali next door)
Pre-production development capital for project facilities is estimated to be approximately $297.1 million, which includes open pit mobile equipment costs, underground mine development for the Kerekounda and Kourloulou deposits, plant and infrastructure construction and commissioning costs, as well as site infrastructure construction costs plus contingency. Ongoing life-of-mine sustaining capital is $208.0 million, including underground mobile equipment replacements, waste facility expansions, sustaining capital estimates for fixed plant and infrastructure and ongoing underground development. The sustaining capital also covers the preproduction capital for later Golouma underground mines that commence development once the Golouma open pit mine has provided access.
A contingency has been added to the underlying capital cost estimates that reflects the level of risk associated with those estimates. The overall weighted-average contingency for the entire capital program is 11%. The capital cost estimate for the project is summarized in the following table.
Table 5: LOM Capital Cost Estimate