Reminder of what we are expecting Just a reminder of what the company told us on Nov 21 of last year. Keep in mind that nothing is new. Just someone sold. I called the company - the bosses are overseas and there is no new news. The 45 days in just coming up - but that assumes that referal was considered to have happened prior to the Xmas holiday. I would guess the clock started after the holiday.
The BC EAO is in the final stages of the EA review and has nearly completed its Assessment Report. Draft versions of the final report will be issued to members of the Technical Working Group (TWG) shortly. The TWG is comprised of Federal and Provincial agencies, First Nations and other interested parties. The TWG will have three weeks to review the draft report and provide final comments to the BC EAO. The BC EAO will consider these comments prior to finalizing its report that refers the Kitsault Project to the BC Minister of Energy, Mines and Natural Gas and the Minister of Environment for issuance of the Environmental Certificate. Avanti expects the referral to take place before December 21, 2012. Ministers will then have up to 45 days to make their decision on the Kitsault Project EA certification.
Concurrently with the BCEAO, the Canada Environmental Assessment Agency and the key federal agencies (Fisheries and Oceans, Natural Resources Canada and Environment Canada) have also participated in the Kitsault Project review. This federal review, although separate from the BC review has been largely coordinated under the policy between the agencies. Avanti expects the federal review to be completed within two months of the provincial review, followed by a federal decision by the Minister of Environment within three months of receiving the Comprehensive Study Report.
Concurrent with the EA, Avanti has been pursuing permitting under the BC "One Project - One Process" policy of synchronous permitting. We are currently working with the Mine Development Review Committee to finalize the application documents required for their review. Subsequent to the EA Certificate, permits are required to begin the construction of the project.