Vladimiro Huaroc Kañaris dialog table https://www.rpp.com.pe/2013-02-04-huaroc-mesa-de-dialogo-de-kanaris-incluira-a-todos-los-sectores-noticia_564322.html
Huaroc: Kañaris dialog table include all sectors Monday, February 4, 2013 | 10:57 pm On Saturday February 16 will install the two working groups to develop Kañaris analilzar in Lambayeque and treatment of the topic mining in the area, said the head of the National Dialogue and Sustainability (ONDS), Vladimiro Huaroc. He said that until this week have run Kañaris communities, Salas, Incahuasi and Motupe to appoint their representatives, which also include representatives of the executive and the company Candente Copper Peru SA in dialogue with a local cable channel, said Huaroc there will be two workshops, one for development and another on environmental and mining, as well as sub-tables with specific issues in each sector. The High Commissioner highlighted the progress made in last Saturday's meeting in Lambayeque, it has allowed the radical, who denied the presence of the mine, leaving that position and access to dialogue. He said Kañaris has been abandoned by the State, and is now being sought to reconcile the development of the town, with the national interest. On the other hand, said that dialogue Huaroc last week with the regional president of Cajamarca, Gregorio Santos, has served to end the rift with the conflict Conga. As noted, that while there was agreement on the need for mining investment in the region, it is possible that in future meetings will speak directly to the execution of Conga. ANDINA