RE: RE: to: mini-me, captcha and Royallyscrewed Well royal, you should double check before accusing me of lossing my marbles. On one of your post yesterday you mentionned that INT insiders have made over 550 sell trades and you highlighted it in RED. At the same time you highlighted in red the total number of shares sold by the same insiders :41,173,000 shares. Were you stating that insiders had shorted the market? How can insiders sell for over 40M shares in 3 months AND not appear on any SEDI reports? You are the king of dd here (as per your own saying) and it should had pop that these numbers were erroneous and on top of that you should have seen that it was not coming from SEDI but from a THIRD PARTY compiling data from SEDI and this is where the mistake happened. You don't believe me??? Try to get the same report in PDF then you will get the right numbers. François