Kootenay Graphite Play Yes, the area around the Eagle Graphite mine is going to see a lot of activity this year. Eagle Graphite is a private company and from what I understand is the only company in N. America presently producing the special type of large flake graphite that receives a premium price over any other type.
From the map on RBW website
( https://rainbowresourcesinc.com/pdfs/GRAPHITEMarketing%20-%2012Dec2012%20-%20GMR1.pdf )
Seems only three companies hold all the ground in that area. No way to tell if Eagle Graphite is planning any exploration drilling this season, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they had plans to test the new claims they staked last year.
Anglo Swiss ( ASW ) made a surprise announcement late last year when they sold their flagship project (Kenville Gold Property) for $10 Million to focus on their Blu Starr graphite property right next to Eagle Graphite’s mill. Looking at the map, this property couldn’t get much closer to the Eagle Graphite mill.
ASW’s 185,000,000 shares outstanding seems like a lot, but at 2 ½ cents it only totals up to a $4,625,000 market cap. When ASW start drilling the Blu Starr property this year I'd bet we could see a major increase in their market cap.
Rainbow on the other hand hasn’t announced any concrete plans for their recently staked >10,000 hectares adjacent to both the Eagle Graphite and Blu Starr properties other than to say they’re actively pursuing options aimed at unlocking the value of their new properties in the area.
I purchased shares in RBW early last year due to their Big Strike basket of properties in the Kootenay region. This graphite play came as a surprise last year. Hopefully Eagle Graphite and Anglo Swiss start some aggressive drill programs in the area. RBW could benefit by just being connected to the other properties. If RBW also announces a drill program on their graphite properties, that's when we could really see the area light up.