Candarave Successfully of dialogue
Agreement was signed allowing Southern Peru Toquepala expand plant
Mining company will invest S /. 255 million in development projects and water infrastructure in the province of Candarave, in Tacna. There will be additional requests for the use of surface water or groundwater.
After six months and nine sessions of work successfully completed the process of dialogue for development Candarave province, where authorities and civil society organizations reached agreements that give the social viability of the concentrator plant expansion Toquepala of the Southern Peru Copper Corporation.
The last session of the Roundtable, on February 8, fully endorsed the establishment of a development fund for the province equivalent as /. 255 million provided by the company, which will prioritize investment in development projects and water infrastructure, according to the Office for Dialogue (ONDS) of the PCM.
Responding to requests from the population, claiming priority to domestic and agricultural use of water resources, the company will not request any additional license for the use of surface water or groundwater. Southern is also committed to developing a social responsibility plan that includes purchasing programs and local employment, road maintenance, training and promoting local businesses, among others.
For its part, the Government has ratified the investment of S /. 35 million, through the My irrigation, water infrastructure and Candarave include social programs in various ministries running. The Ministry of Environment will provide technical assistance to the province to develop its plan of Ecological and Economic Zoning.
The results in Table Candarave said the ONDS, "show that the transformation of local conflict into opportunities for concerted development is a reality today."