RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Has anyone heard of this? That's the problem with you traders on this forum including the likes of the company guys farirchij and oogee.
You don't care who gets hurt buying high. This is currently a great trade but for multi dollars in the short term, IMO that's just a daytrader's term to pump the stock to the poor shmucks who are going to buy high.
This should move nicely today and maybe tomorrow, but when the lack of news in the short term is realized, it should settle down, where at present I don't know, but I'm thinking that trading this will be easy for the next 6 t0 12 months, when or IF I should say, POET is market ready.
If anyone says it's market ready now due to the laser, and that the remaining milestones are easy, unless it's in black and white, written in a news release, then stop fooling yourselves. JMO