RE: Brit - mountaintop Frankly I still hold to my prediction that it will be late Q2 or Q3 before we see mgt., the BOD, and the TIGs having all ducks in a row w.r.t. implementing the final decision on the direction of the company.
It's anyone's guess as to whether we'll go to production or sell out. The biggest score for those of us who have been here for awhile ..... a long while ... would be to go to production, following the precedent set by Aber. However the hiring of the current CFO, especially with his track record, suggests <to me> that the powers-that-be may, I repeat, may, be leaning towards a buyout scenario. On the other hand my feeling is that the TIGs would not prefer the buyout route, as they certainly have little need for a "short term" gain.
In any event I would think that a buyout without any expansion in current reserves should be easily in the $12 - $15 range. Going to production however is a real game changer. I stayed with Aber right through to production, but it took enormous patience. That same patience is being tested again here, but my attitude is "what would I do with a buyout windfall in the short term, when interest rates are ~0 and the big markets are currently close to all time highs, and due for a significant correction?" Accordingly my vote would be to go to production, which IMHO would return us an easy 5 -8 bagger from today's price within the next 5 years.
In the meantime the shakeout of loose shares from weak hands will continue.
Just my thoughts, for what they're worth.