RE: Why I bargain hunt now Hi Jarrkometal you have some good points but as far as Osisko it was trading at $6.00 a few mouths back and jump back to over $10,00 in 4 mouths. There are still investors in Osisko at $2.00 and under so not all of us are down. Osisko is the best company that I have invested in and this stock promoter did not tell me about Osisko. Now you did say Sierra Iron is only down 6.5% that sounds not bad but most of the stock was bought at 50 cents or more so any one selling now will lose. If you take a look at insider stock buying Sierra Iron Ore has been buying up stock doing there best to hold the stock from falling like V.R did. They did this in V.R also but it only lasted so long before it fall. You also said that Sierra has now bottomed will I heard this with V.R when it droped to 30 cents than 25 than 20 than 10. So how can you say Sierra has hit bottom? What has me and some other investors upset in this company is 1) No investors like to hear that assets where being taking from the company with out any one knowing. 2) Being told that there are a few large companies that want to do a deal with Sierra and V.R and partner with the company to set up mills than find out later there was no companies interested. I could go on and on but I think I have made my point.