RE: Pay attention to the trade....... Also CIBC was one of Inmets bankers for the atempted PTQ takeover last fall. Incidently I received a call from CIBC after I bought the bulk of my shares, they claimed that they were recquired to investigate unusual trading activity.
I hope you told them to go fly a kite !
In Canada ONLY IIROC or the TSX has authority to conduct any investigation - and prior to answering any questions from either over the phone, make sure you get their phone number and tell them you will call them back if you can confirm who they are : ie: phone number matches switchboard of said organization.
Idealy, do not discuss over the phone on firts contact attempt, ask them to send you a letter with proper letter head and describe in said letter what the purpose of the calll/investigation is about. DO NOT give them your mailing address if they are legitimate, they will already have obtained that through your broker.