Mine Plan etc... Call quotes...
"In a matter of months I would say to uh be up to that 30,000 (oz) range that we talked about..."... This was supposed to be the case by end of Dec... why now in a matter of months?
"Waterton and I believe that can significantly improve on our operations but we haven't finished the mine plan yet so I can't tell you exactly where that would be... but we believe the potential is significnatly north of that 30,000..."... But on Aug 7 2012 "Gryphon is currently reviewing its two-year mine plan. "... ???
"We have enough ore scheduled out in front of us for several years".... But above they say they didn't have the mine plan complete... ???
Later in the call re: capital contributions and capital expenditure decisions...
"We have a say on the board but it is a minority. We do have a plan that is laid out and the initial $8M capital call will cover all of that so I am not aware of any additional capital that we don't know about. They have a budget for this year and this will cover that"... More about a 'plan' and a budget but above they state mine plan not complete... ???
"I don't own any shares of the Company"
"I think it's around 100K shares"... re: ownership of Board of Directors