NO ROLLBACK Sorry boys you will have to go to Walmart, if you want a rollback .lol No point doing a rollback in this market, for the exact reason just given. Stock would just get hammered lower. The only winners there are the brokerage houses involved in the financings, and lets face it some of these are not what you might call friends. We have just under 9 mill left, more than enough for the next year, based on current expenditure forecasts. The 2 main current objectives are to continue croteau exploration and find a deep pocketed partner for TPK. Wouldn't it be interesting to see, say one of the big 3 mining companies take a run at LSG, with the full knowlege they get a huge piece of SUP,its 2 highly prized gold and multy element projects (gold, silver and copper). Not to mention a potential new jv partner with the technical support and capital to bring these projects to fruition.