Good news could be on it's way The meeting I attended a ways back basically stated that Lombok was the main investment area asset for SA. According to the representatives I spoke to at that time, they were very excited about the results. We have seen that other investment areas for SA have fallen short for what ever the reason, but hopefully Lombok will come through. I still have not read any confirmation that drilling is going on, but perhaps there isn't any interest among the local papers if there isn't any controversy. I am watching closely waiting for the results. The question is will the results be great or ok? If past results on Lombok are any indication they should be as good as the last report. Indonesia is focusing on political positioning right now and other then some agreements with larger mining companies there is nothing going on. That could be good for SA. I read that the forestry permits are given out in stages. Which stage for SA will be next? If the results are great maybe the next stage will be sooner. Indonesia is getting a lot of comment about their keep Indonesia involved campaign in the mining industry which is scaring foreign investment to a degree. I agree with a previous poster. Get the results, move the stock up and sell the asset for cash as soon as you can. Cheers.