RE: RE: Orbite's New Patents: Incredible Dr. Sig,
you seem to ignore accounting for unknowns, financing risk, technology risk and operational risk.
And you seem to overlook that a 400 Million Dollar valuation for a company, which others call a concept stock, is maybe a little exaggerated (in the absence of any revenue or profit).
It is quite understandable why the Manipulators want us wrapped up
discussing their illegal activities as opposed to the incredible ramifications
of Orbite signing a lucrative deal with Veolia Environmental and securing
patents from China and Russia.
Which Manipulators are you talking about?
Jeesh! Looks mDavid has never read a newspaper. Manipulation doesn't exist in his perfect little world? Come on, man! Do you actually think we are diots?
Which illegal activities?
The accidental selling of thousands of shares for no apparent reason is not suspicious to you, I am sure, but it is to use, especially when positive development have occurred. The signing with Veoila is probably nothing for you! Right?
Which LUCRATIVE deal? (What do you mean by "lucrative"? Where is the cash flow?)
Well! I don't know! 5 to 10% on millions is lucrative to many of us. Not for you? Of course, they haven't buiilt a plant yet. I bet you want to see the last screw screwed before you will invest! Oh! No! You will wait the next Q revenues AFTER your friends have made loads of money! Oh! Ya! You don't have friends! :)
What exactly links THOSE patents to Orbite's technology? (NaOH? Come on....that's so Bayer....)
Can you elaborate?
What irks the U.S. and the rest of the free world market countries the most
about China? The fact that China is a haven for unscrupulous businessmen
who COPY PATENTED products using their brand names to sell world over
at the expense of the legitimate companies who sweated, toiled and invested
tons of money to develop their names and products.
If you think that the AMF or IIROC are complicit with certain Bay street thugs and there is little recourse for
shareholders, what could be said about Orbite fighting China if they decided to use
their disruptive technology?
How exactly do you imagine Orbite fighting China?
When you sell a product at a lower price point (price incl. all costs, including transportation costs) than a competitor that's fighting! If you don't know this, you are not that savvy! We are not stupid!
How many western companies would die for a legal patent
in CHINA to protect their products or intellectual property ? How did little Orbite secure
patents which indeed will protect their intellectual property in countries that have little
to no protection or regard for foreign companies?
Actually it is not particularily difficult to obtain patents in Russia and China.
Really? How do you know?
Enforcement may however be a rather challenging issue.
Well, of course!
Even large multinationals sometimes struggle with that. Why would Orbite be in a better position?
How do you know? Have you worked for one? Do you now? Is it a competitor? Why are you posting on this board? If you are shorting this stock or shorted this stock (bet that it will stay down), it seems to me that you could have chosen more compelling stories!
The fact that China and Russia
granted Orbite patents in their respective countries is a testament to their desire to USE Orbite's
intellectual property in the future.
Again, be careful: Those may not be the patents you think they are.....they do not appear (to me) to describe the technology outlined in Orbite's PEA but something different (maybe an initial process idea, which was abandoned after Orbite started working with Siemag and introduced acid regeneration?)
This is possible since the patents were written a few months ago, but you think patents are useless, so I am not sure why you are belabourt this point? You think they are worthless?
And how exactly to you derive that conclusion?
It is plausible, isn't it? Maybe they would liek to clean up the red mud tailings or rivers and lakes? Wouldn't you?
Do you think, the Chinese and Russian patent offices could refuse or indefinitely delay granting such patents?
If so, who would benefit from that?
The manufacturers of rare earth for instance!
Rusal is in the process of concluding signing a big deal
with Orbite just as Veolia Environmental had.
Have you seen the term sheet of the Veolia deal yet?
I know you will wait to see the money in the coffer after your friends have made loads of money on this stock!
What makes this deal a "big deal"?
Millions of $! But, that's nothing! I know! I know! You have n't seen the $! Again,
How can you know, Rusal will ever sign up for financing a first SGA plant? Would that happen before a positive BFS is on the table? (earliest end of this year, I think...)
Another great accomplishment announced
by Orbite is that they are sending uniform quality HPA samples from different batches to very
interested customers. The fact that Orbite won its second major governmental award this year
competing with many other esteemed companies is no shabby accomplishment. The only ones
who are unhappy with Richard Boudreault's incredible accomplishments and leadership these past few
years are the agent bashers of the manipulators and certain daytraders who have infected our board with the
job of shaking loose the shares for themselves very cheaply. I for one am very proud to be a share holder
of a substantial amount of shares whose intrinsic value is growing with each announcement. Orbite's
intellectual property is already recognized and highly regarded as game changing by our provincial and federal
governments, Veolia, Rusal, Nalco, Alex Knox of Roche, Genivar, etc. etc. etc. and most important to this
investor.....DR. SIG
Not every skeptic is an agent basher sent by some manipulator. You sound paranoid here.
(Even) as a short I wholeheartedly appreciate the work of Richard Boudreault and his management team.
I am waiting patiently and looking forward to the upcoming milestones and accomplishments of Orbite and
expect eventually a big return on my investment. Keep up the fabulous work Richard. Those in the KNOW,
know where we are heading despite the manipulators and their agent bashers as well as the AMF and IIROC.
Dr. Sig