RE: Cash down th Drain Biotech, you do your best to sound intelligent about biotech companies but you really need to try harder as you fail drastically.
First of all you talk about how long it is going to take to get products to market and that nobody will be interested in partnering with them because of the length of time. That is just a plain stupid comment. Any other competing product will take the same amount of time, so why would someone not want to partner with SBM because of this length of time? Are they going to partner with someone else when that company will also have the same period of time.
And most importantly, I dont give a fark how long it takes to get to market as I am certain I will not own any shares when the skin lightener or diabetes products go to market. This is a SPECULATIVE stock. Speculative stocks move on various things but going to market is generally not one of them. For instance, if SBM was to announce it had a partnering agreement on the diabetes drug, the share price would go to $030 easily... an increase of almost 300%. It probably would go higher but I am being conservative. I could easily see it go to $0.50 or more. Once a company has a product to market and starts making profits then most of the speculation is gone. Then the company has the tough time of meeting profit expectations. I am in a speculative company for a reason.
As for cash, what does that have to do with anything? Yes the company will need cash, almost all juniors do at soem poitn. No $%&* sherlock. So what is your point? There will be some dilution as there always is but it will be a whole lot better than it could have been when this was trading at $0.05.
So all your attempts to sound intelligent just make you sound stupid. You know the old saying, "its better to be thought a fool then to speak up and leave no doubt." You have spoken and there is little doubt.