RE: RE: RE: RE: bandi 10 A few years back Lavelin was building a Zinc mine for Zincox of the UK, at Marib 100km east of San'a. It was never finished the story being lack of financing. I don't believe that either instead i feel that the hostilities in San'a and in the whole area scared them off. Chuck and Chad said they never had any trouble, probably right, BUT if you owned Zincox or Vale would you send your valuable employees to a war zone. They would probably refuse to go. This country is a disaster..
I get a real kick out of it when the Pope continually spreads his arms out and says Peace on Earth. What a crock of bull. There never has been peace on earth. The muslims are causing haxoc evertwhere and the Chinese are showing their muscles. They attacked Japan with an Armada eons ago and they will never forget the invasion by Japan in the 30's.
I won't live to see Cantex succeed in Yemen. First time you get to a break evev pont GET OUT.