RE: where was the plan from Ceo that's corporate canada these days. what did you expect? someone to take ownership for the poor performance? HA! that'll happen when hell freezes over. do you think iamgold gives a cr*p about shareholders?! they merely pay lipservice to you as they collect $millions in compensation. it's a complete joke. as a company, and stock to invest in, they're blowing in the wind... no direction, or leadership, whatsoever. once management's te*ticles descent into their nuts*ck, then maybe they'll put some plan into action. until then it's business as usual. 10 years of dead money, and multi-$million salaries! great work if you can get it! zero accountability and all the wealth you could ever want to squander!
it's pathetic that managment believes that after 10 years of nothing, in terms of shareprice, they think they have more important work to do than reward shareholders. if i was c.e.o. that would be priority #1. but that's corporate canada for you: no one to step-up and lead. this whole sector lacks leadership, but iamgold especially.