RE: Response to Race Familiar with Bulkowski's flat base, but this is a sector reccesion, coal season for the extreme chinese winter, is over...coals will continue a flat short sellers base for the forseeable future..., next year, sorry, Buhhda told me.
Management has done nothing to help the SP...(no insider support as announced by Lee , 3 quarters ago)
When you lie to the shareholders, bad things happen, ie see HLF.....largest distributor dropping them, has Datang Power dropped llen also no new ageement or anything going on for that matter, that would send it under a buck, where are all the retail expansion agreements, ?? What about poor old Union Energy, holding all those worthless shares, way under the 5.25 par issued, maybe they are selling the junky paper out as appreciation looks unlikely, hence your flat base.
Be Strong Grasshopper.