RE: RE: RE: So Fair enough. If it hits .20 I'll take some profit:). I've been very stright forward with the fact APE is not my largest holding by far but I do see great upside in it. Depending on certain news or buying patterns I may add more but either way I'm comfortable holding and believe it will start a good run sometime in the near future. I do not plan on holding APE for five years but don't think I will need to. I'm not a day trader but I have other plays that I'm willing to hold longer for bigger gains. I do feel APE will pay me out a profit...........hope I'm correct but time will tell. Personally I put some money into APE with the anticipation of making 100% Anything under 50% will be a bit a f a dissapointment but hey.......its the Ventures and thats the way it goes sometimes. I still fell I will make at the minimum 100% on this. if I'm willing to hold it longer I could make more but like I said..........not my largest holding but I think it is an good holding:)