RE: RE: Relax! - Clarification They are different BUT if you sent bitumen to any refinery: 1) Some refineries could not accept/ work that product. 2). Those that could, have additional processing / refining costs that would need to be reclaimed. The reclamation would be in a reduced price they would be willing to pay for the bitumen. ( We see that in the Sour/Heavy Oil production of some Western Canada oil producers). Heck, Some of the West. Can. stuff has dilutents added just to make it transportable TO receive a significant discounted price per bbl compared to SCO. That dilutent is not free and eats into their smaller profits.
So the Cokers turn " chicken s$#^( feathers) into chicken salad" . A "Chicken salad" every refiner is willing to pay extra for most of the time. So, coking is part of the refining process that COS can do cheaper and maximize the product value.
Pa-ta-toe / Pa-tat-o do not get hung up on semantics or sy/lab/bles for that matter. (^_^)