The halcro Board?... Seriously halcro, we're in a CTO, over 6 months now, we don't know if or when we'll be trading again, although I believe we will, and we surely don't know what the resource numbers will be or how the market will react when they're out.
So having you, a non-shareholder and someone who obviously can't trade shares as we're under a CTO constantly kicking us while we're down, is getting tiring to look at, even though I admit I don't read half the posts here anymore.
How's about giving us longs, who've been forced to be longs, willing or unwilling while others profit from this, (not mentioning names as we know who that person(s) is) a break.
At the very least come back like everyone should once the numbers are officially out and accepted by the BCSC.
Then there should be a lot to talk about, good or bad, or both. JMO