RE: Musing on March 28, 8 a.m. CC Agreed Yash, Heins would not release numbers in the early am on a Thirsday if they were poor.....
Warning to the shorts and negative players of BlackBerry...
Things are way better than you know and or have been advised of ....I believe Thorston Hiens is not BS ing any of us and his response to the investing gamers in telling them that sales are well above EVEN his forecast ....tells us that all is well fact very well ....
The Z10 being released and sold EVERY WHERE ....but the USA with very positive response is ....very impressive to say the least.....
Sorry to the USA that your country that your country could not be in on the initial run but apparently the USA carriers are slow to pass the testing requirements.....why they were not on the ball earlier knowing sales means profit is beyond me....
Can there be an Apple home base support to slow down the immediate rise of what impressive platform BlackBerry has to offer...??
What I like the most is that BlackBerry has taken the NEXT MAJOR step toward portable mobile computing with the Z10 ....not a smart phone ...a portable secure working device that takes care of all needs ...Work and Play....
The Q 10 release can really make a big difference to the share price rise if the trimming is right .....
Go BB Go.....