RE: strikes me odd . . . WCP vs RPL Indicator, WCP telegraphed their move to the dividend model much better to investors and converted at the best sustainability ratio in the patch, so it was easy to get the street "on side" from the get go. Unfortunately for some RPL holders the change was "sprung" on them and they didn't like it. We are still enduring the process of this shareholder transition... It takes time to turn around that many shares. Then you couple this with the fact that WCP is twice the size and look around at how small caps under $1B EV are getting "shot first" you get to where we are now.
Mason Granger was just on BNN, and re-iterated what Nuttall has already stated: RPL management is being VERY conservative, and should slam the numbers for Q1... Year Ends won't mean much, so you probably won't see any big move up in share price UNTIL May / June or later. But if you crunch the numbers over and over as I have, then its fine to wait it out and collect monthly.
People selling shares for $2.10 are simply throwing them away, IMO. If anyone isn't happy with this, feel free to throw yours away too... In the longer run in won't matter to me ;)